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The European Union has set 2020 as the deadline for all member states to be able to reduce their CO2 emissions by 20%, that all buildings are 20% more efficient and that at least 20% of energy is produced from renewable energy.

Similarly, in the Spanish panorama, the Council of Ministers has aproved the Royal Decree 56/2016, which requires the realization of an energy audit in all large  companies in order to know their situation with respect to  the use of energy. It is estimated that this measure will be applied to abround 3.800 companies in Spain, covering almost 27.000 spaces. This decree aims to promote energy saving and efficiency by making a decisive contribution to achieving the objectives set by the European Union.

The field of work of Architecture is the one that has the greatest possibility of action  with respect to this topic so it will surely be one of the great professional outings in the near future.  The aim of constructing buildings with almost no energy consumption should not be limited to new buildings, but it is vitally important that they should be extended in the same way to the existing buildings.

The path of economic recovery, through the conversion of the property and construction sectors and also the guarantee of a sustainable and inclusive model, both environmental, social and economic, requires that all efforts be devoted to those actions, that is, those of refurbishment and urban regeneration and renewal, which are the essential object of the 3R law.

The Higher Council of Chartered Institutions of Architects of Spain proposes the implementation of the basic seal of the building, as an instrument that promotes visbility and public recognition of the quality attribute that the building acquires through architectural refurbishment. it is a document that will provide more information to society as a whole on the characteristics and values of our built stock.

Another crucial point is the use and operation of the BIM (Building Information Modeling) tool, software that allows to analyze all the internal information of the building and to provide a simulation of all the characteristics and details that compose it.

That is why we must be able to take up this challenge and make energy efficiency one of the main values of buildings along with architecture.

Directed by:

D. Manuel Olivares Santiago
Dª. Mª del Pilar Mercader Moyano


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Organized by:

University of Seville | Dept. Architectural Constructions 1
2  Reina Mercedes Ave.
Seville, Spain

Information and contact:
+34 618 30 55 59