G1: Ability to apply the knowledge acquired to resolve new problems in more extensive (or multidisciplinary) contexts relating to Nuclear Physics.


G2: Ability to integrate knowledge and deal with the complexity of formulating judgements based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on social and ethical responsibilities associated with the application of such knowledge and judgements.


G3: Ability to communicate conclusions (and the knowledge and reasons behind them) in the field of Nuclear Physics and its applications to both specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.


G4: Learning skills that allow continuation of studies in the field of Nuclear Physics in an independent and self-directed manner.


G5 Fostering of an entrepreneurial spirit.


G6 Ability to foster and guarantee respect for human rights and the principles of universal accessibility, equality, non-discrimination, democratic values and a culture of peace.


G7 Familiarity with the influence of nuclear processes on the environment and related ethical considerations.


E1: Ability to study and research frontier areas of theoretical and experimental Nuclear Physics and their technological and medical applications.


E2: A general grasp of current knowledge relating to processes for the generation of material and energy in the Universe, exploration of the Universe using particles and high-energy radiation, description of the structure of atomic nuclei and their interactions and connection with more fundamental structures.


E3 Ability to use the main tools and computation and programming methods currently used in Nuclear Physics, along with the experiments and experimental techniques commonly used in the field of environmental physics and in medicine relating to diagnosis and therapeutic uses of ionising radiation.


E4: Ability to carry out scientific research work in the context of or as a member of major international research groups, combining theoretical, experimental and technological tasks.