The general objectives of the Master's programme are ambitious, given that not only does it seek to grant solid postgraduate training to Nuclear Physics students, it also aims to contribute to the cohesion of the Spanish Nuclear Physics community. In order to achieve these objectives, the Master's Degree has the following general methodological features:

a) The Master's course seeks to provide all-embracing training for all postgraduate nuclear physics students. Accordingly, under the programme all the students enrolled must, as a minimum, complete three mandatory basic courses and three optional courses to be selected from among six or seven options in order to complete the 36 credits of the degree. Notwithstanding, students may substitute courses of the Physics Master's Degree course with external credits following the favourable report of their tutor and the Academic Committee of the Master's Programme, although this option is not recommended.

b) The Master's Degree is an inter-university course, meaning that students may be enrolled at any of the six universities participating under the Master's programme. For administrative purposes, each student shall be deemed to belong to the University where they have enrolled. Each student will be assigned a tutor, who will be a lecturer associated with the Master's Degree offered by the University where the student has enrolled. Their role will be to provide students with guidance on the prior preparation of the Master's Degree courses. The role of the tutor is highly important, as they are responsible for ensuring that the student has the necessary level to complete their studies.

c) Master's courses are generally taught over a week-long period at a specific venue to which students from throughout Spain are required to come, along with the teaching staff of the course. This concentration is essential in order to achieve the objectives of the Master's Degree course. Our previous experience with these types of courses demonstrates that the difficulties generated by concentration (excess of information to be transmitted in a short space of time and the disparity of levels) is alleviated to a large extent by the prior personalised preparation of the tutors.

d) The courses are taught by teaching staff selected from different universities, in such a manner that each course will always have teaching staff from the institution which is hosting the course, together with other teaching staff that have come from other centres. This manner of teaching requires significant coordination between the different teaching staff of the course and the tutors of the students, always aimed at providing a course with the highest standard of quality. This collaboration will be promoted by the Academic Committee of the Master's Degree, which consists of a coordinator for each university and the participating centres (CSIC, CIEMAT).