The Inter-University Master's Degree in Nuclear Physics is an official postgraduate master's programme with participation by six Spanish universities (Seville, UAM Autonomous University of Madrid, Barcelona, Complutense University of Madrid, Granada and Salamanca) and different groups of the Spanish National Research Council (Materials Structure Institute of Madrid and the Corpuscular Physics Institute of Valencia) and the Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT, Madrid). The Inter-University Master's Degree is a continuation of the training under the Inter-University Nuclear Physics Doctoral Programme adapted to the new postgraduate regulations. This programme in turn originated from the courses that the Specialist Nuclear Physics Group (Grupo Especializado de Física Nuclear, GEFN) of the Royal Spanish Physics Society (Real Sociedad Española de Física) has been organising since 1998 and which have been attended by students across the country in order to complete their doctoral studies. Its main objectives are to foster postgraduate studies in the field of Nuclear Physics at a national level and scientific exchange between postgraduate students and teaching staff in this area. The Inter-University Master's Degree in Nuclear Physics aims to provide students with solid training that covers both fundamental aspects of the discipline and applied areas. Each of the courses is generally offered in four phases:

Initial phase: The students receive a detailed programme along with a reading list which they are required to be familiar with prior to commencing the course. This phase does not involve classroom teaching and will be supervised by each student's tutor at the source university. As a general rule, tutors should spend 10 hours with students for each course prior to its commencement in order to provide guidance and monitor their level of learning.

Theoretical phase: The course, taking place over a week, will consist of around 30 theoretical and/or laboratory classroom hours (depending on the course) in order to present the different topics.

Practical phase: During the week, there will be 4 to 10 hours of tutorial time to resolve any doubts and develop practical case studies, as well as proposing exercises to be resolved by students.

Final phase: The students complete the proposed exercises/reports/problems/etc. at their University of origin and hand them in for evaluation. In this phase, queries and comments may be sent to the teaching staff of each course via e-mail. Tutors will spend around 10 classroom hours monitoring the progress made by students and providing them with guidance in relation to problems/work they need to carry out. Finally, students are required to hand in the problems/work/reports set by teaching staff for their evaluation. A final exam may also be set if it is deemed appropriate.

In the case of experimental courses, the theoretical phase includes experimental work in the laboratory.