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D. Manuel Olivares Santiago

Dña. Mª Pilar Mercader Moyano

Teaching Staff

Coordinators: Paula Esquivias Fernández, María López de Asiaín & Mª Pilar Mercader Moyano

bullet Artés Pérez, Joan. Associate Lecturer. Dept Architecture. Ramon Llull University
bullet Carrasco Pérez, Francisco José. Grupo PUMA
bullet Claro Ponce, José Carlos. Building Engineer. Building energy efficiency consultant
bullet Cózar Cózar, Elías. Building Engineer, PhD. BIM trainer
bullet Creagh Zorrilla, Alicia. Chartered Institution of Property Managers
bullet De Montes Astolfi, María Luisa. Lawyer. Law firm specialized in construction Montes&Meana
bullet Díaz-Recasens Montero de Espinosa, Gonzalo. Substitute Lecturer. Dept Architectural Proyects. University of Seville
bullet Esquivias Fernández, Paula. Postdoctoral Fellow. Dept Energy Engineering and Fluid-mechanics. University of Valladolid
bullet Ferreira Sánchez, Antonio. Building Engineer, PhD. Ministry of Defense
bullet García Vázquez, Pedro. Senior Lecturer. Dept Applied Mathematics I. University of Seville
bullet Higueras García, Ester. Senior Lecturer. Dept Urbanism and Land Planning. Polytechnic University of Madrid
bullet León Rodríguez, Angel Luis. Senior Lecturer. Dept Architectural Constructions I. University of Seville
bullet López de Asiaín Alberich, María. Lecturer. Dept Art, City and Territory. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
bullet López Mesa, Belinda. Senior Lecturer. Dept Architecture. Architectural Technology Area. University of Zaragoza
bullet Lucas Ruiz, Valeriano. Senior Lecturer. Dept Architectural Constructions II. University of Seville
bullet Mercader Moyano, Pilar. Senior Lecturer. Dept Architectural Constructions I. University of Seville
bullet Nadal Morales, Purificación. Senior Lecturer
bullet Olivares Nadal, Alba Victoria. The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
bullet Olivares Santiago, Manuel. Professor
bullet Polo Velasco, Jorge. Senior Lecturer. Dept Architectural Constructions II. University of Seville
bullet Ramírez de Arellano Agudo, Antonio. Professor
bullet Rubiño Chacón, Luis. Collaborator Lecturer. Dept Architectural Proyects. University of Seville
bullet Salmerón Lissén, Rafael. Architect, PhD. Salmer Arquitectura
bullet Sanchís Morales, Noemí. Andalusian Council of Chartered Institutions of Architects
bullet Sanz Cabrera, Jerónimo. Associate Lecturer. Dept Graphic Engineering and Geomatic. University of Cordoba
bullet Serrano Lanzarote, Begoña. Lecturer. Dept Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Structures. Polytechnic University of Valencia
bullet Wadel Raina, Gerardo. Associate Lecturer. Dept Architecture. Ramon Llull University


University of Seville | Dept. Architectural Constructions 1
2  Reina Mercedes Ave.
Seville, Spain

Information and contact:
+34 618 30 55 59