Publication date of the qualification in the BOE:02/11/2011


First Academic Year of the Degree:2010/2011


Teaching Method:Classroom


Languages used during teaching:Spanish and English (in the case of guest lecturers)


Master's Thesis:24 credits


Available material resources assigned:

Each of the Universities and Research Centres participating under the Master's programme guarantees all the material resources necessary for correct execution of the course. In particular: classrooms, audio-visual media, eduroam WiFi network, bibliographical material, IT rooms and laboratory material. The experimental courses will have low-activity laboratories in Seville, the facilities of the National Accelerator Centre of Seville, the facilities of the CIEMAT in Madrid and the detector laboratories of the Materials Structure Institute of the CSIC in Madrid and the Corpuscular Physics Institute in Valencia. The accelerator of the Autonomous Community of Madrid (CMAM) is also available for students of the Master's Degree course, along with certain facilities of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid and the Macarena Hospital in Seville.